Employee Spotlight: Vannessa Ruiz

Our first Employee Spotlight shines on Vannessa Ruiz, employee number one at Relational Advisors. Vannessa is an account executive with over 20 years experience in the employee benefits industry. She’s extremely organized and friendly – making her perfectly suited to work with our customers on a daily basis. Our clients find her “can do” attitude refreshing and easy to work with.
1. What is your favorite color? purple
2. What’s your favorite food? I love all food in general, but I guess if I was stranded on a deserted island and could only have one type of food to eat until I was rescued, I would choose hard carne molida con papa (ground beef with potato) tacos.
3. When you’re not dominating the insurance business, what do you like to do with your free time? Drive boats!
4. What are you most proud of? My children!!!
5. What’s the scariest thing you’ve done? I must not be very adventurous because I don’t think I have done anything scary perhaps that is something I will change in 2021. Maybe I’ll go jump out of a plane!
6. Where do you like to travel and why? Santorini, Greece was pretty awesome and Sydney is a favorite spot, but I would like to make my way to Crete and am excited to go to Israel next year.
7. What is something about you that very few people know? Oh gosh, I have no idea. I don’t think there is anything…I am pretty much an open book.