
Quiet the Distractions: Finding Empathy and Purpose with Annie Rankin

Annie's authenticity and relatability create a space for introspection and inspiration.

Relational Spotlight - From Full-time student to full-time powerhouseplay button

Join us for a soul-enriching conversation with Annie Rankin, a recent graduate of The University of Michigan and a former water polo player. Annie’s journey through life has gifted her with profound insights on embracing change and quieting distractions, paving the way for personal growth and a fulfilling future.

Having majored in psychology and aspiring to become a marriage and family therapist, Annie is driven by her genuine desire to help people. Her unique perspective on identity emerged when she medically retired from water polo during college. Rather than defining herself solely as an athlete, Annie embraced the notion of being a multifaceted individual whose identity was not solely tied to a sport. This realization empowered her to navigate life’s challenges with resilience.

An avid reader, Annie discovered the power of empathy through books. Immersing herself in diverse narratives allowed her to see the world through different lenses and deepen her understanding of humanity. In a technology-driven era, Annie advocates reclaiming independence by easing dependency on digital platforms. She found liberation by detaching from social media, allowing her to stay grounded and connect with the present moment.

Looking ahead, Annie aspires to guide others in designing lives that resonate with their true selves, liberating them from societal expectations. With unwavering passion, she endeavors to empower individuals to appreciate life’s beauty and create their own extraordinary narratives.

In this thought-provoking podcast, Annie Rankin shares her transformative journey, reminding us all of the power in embracing impermanence and finding purpose amidst life’s complexities. Prepare to be inspired and motivated to see the world through new eyes, just as Annie does.


Mike Rankin talking to Annie Rankin about her journey play button

Navigating the Journey

Time: 1:24

Annie, shares her personal experience of undergoing a medical retirement during her senior year.

Annie Rankin Talking about growing up with technology play button

Growing up with Technology

Time: 2:10

This episode will provide you with engaging narratives and thoughtful reflections.

Having finished school, Annie discusses the possibilities of the world. play button

Navigating the Future

Time: 2:03

This short reminds listeners of the potential for an exciting and fulfilling future.

Annie discusses the open-ended world being young and not yet having formed permanent habits play button

Finding My Demographic

Time: 1:53

Tune in for an engaging discussion on personal motivation, resilience, and the power of change.
