workplace mindfulness

In-Person Event: Cultivating Employee Wellbeing

Cultivating Employee Wellbeing:The Importance of Mindfulness in the Workplace Now, more than ever, nurturing employee wellbeing and mentalhealth is critical to developing workplace resilience. Join us asJessica Drew de Paz, Psy.D., Clinical Psychologist and Director ofMindfulness Programs at UC Irvine’s Susan Samueli IntegrativeHealth Institute, shares about evidence-based mindfulness andcompassion programs embraced by various organizations duringthese […]

HDHPs Can Waive Deductible for Telehealth for Remainder of Year

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (CAA), recently signed into law to avoid a government shutdown, includes a provision that will reinstate COVID-related telehealth coverage relief for high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) that choose to permit it. The CAA allows HDHP plan sponsors to allow participants to access non-preventive telehealth services before satisfying a plan’s deductible – […]

Hiring (and Retaining) Like it’s 1999

Some of us remember what it was like trying to hire and retain good talent in 1999, when the dot-com boom was driving a race for talent. Employers were scrambling for talent with incredible raises, hiring bonuses, and enticing perks. It felt like a game of musical chairs, with employers competing to keep a seat. […]

Ideas and Information for Human Resource Professionals

Engagement Survey Evolution — What’s Next? Are annual engagement surveys outdated? If you look strictly at the numbers, the answer is no. As recently as 2019, 74% of companies still planned on using traditional methods to survey their staff on job and workplace sentiment. However, this number is on the decline from 89% in 2015. […]

Ideas and Information for Human Resource Professionals

Employer Trend: Four-Day Workweek The topic of workplace flexibility is top of mind as employees recover from an intense adjustment to a coronavirus (COVID-19) work environment. One creative way employers have supported a better work-life balance is by shortening the hours or days in a workweek, so employees have more personal time. The four-day workweek […]

IRS Tool for Advance Child Tax Credit

On June 14, 2021, the IRS issued a news release which unveiled an online Non-filer Sign-up tool designed to help eligible families who don’t normally file tax returns register for the monthly Advance Child Tax Credit payments, scheduled to begin July 15. The tool is also designed to help eligible individuals who don’t normally file […]

Employee Spotlight: Amelia Trujillo

This Employee Spotlight shines on Amelia Trujillo, Benefits Support Specialist at Relational Advisors. Amelia loves coming up with creative solutions to everyday problems! 1.  What is your favorite color? Mint Green 2.  What’s your favorite food? Mole poblano – this is my favorite food, not only because it is delicious, but because it is a […]

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

You’ve perhaps heard by now that The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) provides COBRA participants with a subsidy that covers 100% of health insurance premiums.  It also makes changes to Dependent Care FSA programs.  At Relational Advisors, we are working with our clients and their vendors to help advise them on the administrative […]

Employee Spotlight: Leti Tacata-Downhower

This Employee Spotlight shines on Leticia “Leti” Tacata-Downhower, Benefits Analyst at Relational Advisors. Leti has over 25 years experience in the employee benefits industry.  Her strong attention to detail and positive, friendly attitude makes her a great teammate, and clients love working with her! 1.  What is your favorite color? I don’t have one favorite color […]